Guardian of Golden Gate Bridge Kevin Berthia Officer Briggs

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The Guardian of the Golden Gate Bridge

A difficult life

Kevin Berthia depression suicide Officer Briggs Golden Gate
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Kevin Berthia had been through a lot by the time he reached 32 years old. He had been adopted at the age of 6 months and his adoptive parents had divorced when he was 12.

Then just weeks before the event that hit the headlines, his daughter had been born prematurely and was in an incubator for 8 weeks. Her medical bills soared to nearly $250,000.

On top of all this, he was born with a genetic major depression disorder. It was a lot to handle.

Wracked with guilt

Kevin Berthia premature daughter depression mental health
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These problems were stacking up, and the final straw was when Kevin’s daughter was born prematurely. The new father blamed himself, and he didn’t dare speak out about how he was feeling.

He felt like a failure, everything was getting on top of him. He never accepted that he had depression.


Ashamed mental health stigma Kevin Berthia depression
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As we just mentioned, Kevin didn’t dare tell anyone how he felt.

Where he came from in Oakland, California, reputation is everything, so he pretended that everything was fine. In fact, he was tired, and couldn’t go on.

He tried to take his life

Kevin Berthia Officer Briggs Golden Gate Bridge depression
Source Kevin Berthia Foundation

It all became too much. One day, Kevin Berthia parked up near Golden Gate Bridge, and then made his way up to the famous landmark.

He decided to jump over the railings, and his plan was to let go and fall.

The voice that saved his life

Officer Briggs Kevin Berthia depression Golden Gate suicide
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To Kevin’s surprise, he heard a voice say, “Hey, wait a minute”. This stopped him and made him grab onto the railings.

He wanted to know what this stranger had to say to him.

The voice talked him out of it

Guardian of Golden Gate Bridge Officer Briggs Kevin Berthia
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The voice was that of Officer Briggs, and in the headlining photos from the incident, you can see him talking to Kevin for a long time. They talked for 89 minutes, and the officer encouraged Kevin to talk about his problems.

He got it all out, and the officer listened without judging. Just what Kevin needed.

A new perspective

Kevin Berthia Foundation suicide prevention Golden Gate Bridge
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Officer Briggs helped Kevin Berthia realize the important things in life. He reminded him that his daughter needed him, and this helped bring a bit of perspective.

Kevin held his arms up, and Briggs along with another colleague helped pull him back up.

Hiding from the press

San Francisco Chronicle Golden Gate Bridge depression Kevin Berthia Officer Briggs
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An incident at such an important landmark caught the media’s attention, and as Kevin made his way to the hospital, the press were there to take photos.

The cops covered Kevin’s face to ensure that he wasn’t recognized, and he was sent on his way to Fremont Medical Center.

Back to old habits

Depression Kevin Berthia mental health issues
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After a week at Fremont Medical Center, Kevin reverted to his old habits. He started hiding his emotions again.

He never talked to anyone about the bridge incident. But then, something revolutionary happened.

The face of Suicide Prevention

Kevin Berthia suicide prevention US
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Though he wasn’t ready for it, the photos of him being talked off the ledge made the San Francisco Chronicle. They were actually voting on whether to install a suicide prevention barrier.

Though this was revolutionary, he was not ready for his secret to be out.

Kevin’s mom wrote a note

Kevin Berthia Officer Briggs suicide prevention awareness
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Kevin’s mom wrote a note to Officer Briggs, who would not normally get back in touch with someone under those circumstances.

He was touched by the note, and wanted to contact Kevin.

8 years later…

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s lifesavers dinner Officer Briggs Kevin Berthia
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8 years later, after the day that would change his life forever, Kevin was reunited with Officer Briggs once again. Unsurprisingly, it was the first time he had faced the famous photo.

It was also the first time he looked his guardian angel in the eye. He was asked to give an award to Officer Briggs at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s lifesavers dinner in New York.

Another life-changing moment

Kevin Berthia Officer Briggs lifesavers dinner
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Though Kevin was anxious and unhappy when he came to the event, he soon saw how his story changed the lives of others. The press had spoken about him being married and happy.

Although he wasn’t either those things, he felt alright for the first time in years when he realized his story changed things for those with depression.

He felt at ease

Kevin Berthia mental health stigma depression
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For the first time in 8 years, Kevin felt comfortable talking about the incident. He felt like they were two friends catching up after a long time.

He could finally discuss everything he was thinking and feeling that day, and not hold anything back.

It’s ok to talk about depression

Talk about depression Kevin Berthia
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Kevin soon realized that it was ok to talk about depression, and that it shouldn’t be a taboo topic.

Officer Briggs had also suffered from depression in the past, and he had learnt that it is important to get things out in the open.

His beliefs changed

Mental health stigma depression suicide prevention Kevin Berthia
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After this dinner, he realized that surviving an attempted suicide could play a major role in preventing other suicides.

That’s when his life changed for the better.

A lifelong friend

Guardian of Golden Gate Bridge Kevin Berthia Officer Briggs
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Kevin says Officer Briggs saved his life twice – the first time when he was going to leap from the ledge at the Golden Gate Bridge, the second time at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s lifesavers dinner. They became lifelong friends.

A change of direction

Kevin Briggs suicide awareness depression Officer Briggs Golden Gate
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Thanks to the compassionate voice that saved his life, and his own realizations, Kevin decided to dedicate his time to helping people suffering from depression.

He wanted to be the guardian angel that Officer Briggs was to him all that time ago.

The guardian of the bridge

Guardian of Golden Gate Bridge Officer Briggs
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Officer Briggs became known as the guardian of the Golden Gate bridge, and little did he know that he would continue to save lives – 200 lives, in fact.

Changing the mental health world

Kevin Berthia Officer Briggs Steve Harvey Show
Source Kevin Berthia Foundation

Kevin Berthia decided to launch the Kevin Berthia Foundation, changing the mental health world one step at a time.

Over the years he has shared his story with the media all over the world, and also with local and national news stations. His story even was featured on the Steve Harvey show.

One of the most iconic photos of the 21st century

Kevin Berthia Officer Briggs Golden Gate Bridge
Source Kevin Berthia Foundation

As well as starring in many news outlets, this photo was named one of the top 75 most iconic photos of the 21st century, showing how it really shaped and changed lives.

But Kevin wouldn’t stop there.

Reunited with his inspiring buddy

Kevin Berthia Foundation coaching depression awareness
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Though Officer Briggs has now retired, he is still very good friends with Kevin Berthia, whose goal is to now save lives every day.

He offers 1:1 coaching, and allows people to make donations through the foundation’s website. He inspires crowds by his story but also his philosophy, and often speaks publicly about his struggles.

Coming to terms with his depression

Kevin Berthia depression suicide awareness
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Kevin Berthia told The Guardian, “I now know that depression is a part of me but not who I am”.

He now has three children and a partner that he plans on spending the rest of his life with. He finally got his happy ending!