Adrenaline rush house fire La Fayette US

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25 Year Old Delivery Man Goes For A Drive, He Didn’t Expect To See This

In a selfish world

Burning house act of heroism
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In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we have a tendency to forget about those around us. We feel that other people’s problems don’t always concern us, and going out of our way to help them is more a chore than an act of kindness.

Luckily, this hero definitely didn’t think this way – and he doesn’t wear a cape…

Just an average night

Night lights drive Nick Bostic hero
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It was after midnight in Lafayette, Indiana, and Nick Bostic, a pizza delivery guy, had just had an argument with his girlfriend.

Like many of us, he decided to have a drive around to clear his head. However, Bostic was not expecting what happened next.

He sees the flames

Nick Bostic house fire Indiana Lafayette
Source CBN

While driving along, something caught his eye. A house was engulfed in flames. Nick stopped immediately, and took action.

Nowadays, people tend to film shocking events and go about their business. He did the opposite.

He goes in

Nick Bostic house fire hero United States
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This 25-year-old pizza delivery guy went straight into the burning building, pulling his shirt over his face to protect himself from the flames.

He understood that there were four children in the building, and his goal was to get them all out safely, even if it meant risking his life.

He risks his life

Barrett family fire La Fayette US Nick Bostic
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The first floor was filled with smoke, and Nick Bostic bravely decided to enter, not even knowing if there was anyone inside.

He felt the heat as he walked up the steps to the second floor.

A date night gone wrong

Date night Barrett family fire
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The Barrett family lived at this address, and the parents had decided to go on a date night, leaving their children and a friend at the family home.

One of the eldest siblings, 18-year-old Seionna, alerted her parents. While she had managed to get her baby sister out, she couldn’t find her 6-year-old sister.

No time to call 911

911 dispatch center police force fire brigade
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Not wanting to waste any time, Nick didn’t call 911. He didn’t have his phone on him, and didn’t want to lose valuable time that could be spent saving whoever was in the home.

Regardless, the pizza delivery guy managed to get through the back door. That’s when he made his way through the house.

He first saves the 6-year-old

Barrett family 6 year old saved by Nick Bostic
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With no hesitation, this pizza delivery guy raced into the house to warn the family. The eldest sister led everyone out, but couldn’t find her 6-year-old sister.

He went upstairs and followed her cries, until he found the 6-year-old girl laying on the floor, surrounded by the intense flames. He got there just in time, as the Fire Chief told local news, “Smoke gets to us long before the fire”.

At this point, she was laying on the ground, unable to find her way out.

He sustained serious injuries

House fire La Fayette saved by pizza delivery guy
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Scared of getting lost, Nick remembered there was a window on the second floor. He therefore broke the window, which proved difficult, and meant he sustained serious injuries to his arm.

He took the 6-year-old to the window, and cleared it before jumping out the window with the child in his arms.

An adrenaline rush

Nick Bostic saves family from fire US
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Nick Bostic then explains to Good Morning America that it was an “adrenaline rush”. After handing over the 6-year-old girl, a policeman’s body cam catches the moment he collapses to the ground.

Even while being attended to, this hero asks if the little girl is ok.

An unlikely family member

Delivery guy saves family
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The family were ever so grateful to Nick for what he did. The father even told Good Morning America that once he heard what Nick had done, he started crying even more.

He shortly became part of the family, and they regularly see each other and do fun activities together. “I literally told him he’s now part of our family. And he was all on board with it”, David Barrett said to journalists.

A series of health issues

Nick Bostic sustains injuries saving family
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After saving the little girl’s life, he had sustained a series of injuries and health problems. Of course, he had hurt his arm from breaking the window, but the dense smoke also caused damage. He suffered from smoke inhalation and also other wounds.

An act of selflessness

Nick Bostic family house fire La Fayette
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Throughout this event, Nick didn’t complain once, and was thrilled his actions had an amazing impact on the family. “It was all worth it. I kept reminding myself what a small sacrifice. This temporary pain … it’s so worth it,” he told WLFI-TV. None of the children were injured, and were safe thanks to Nick’s actions.

The family almost lost everything

Nick Bostic act of heroism bravery
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As a result, the home was completely ruined, and they lost everything they owned – apart from the “Love” sign in their living room. The father, David Barrett, felt this was very apt, saying, “The only thing that was left was [a sign that read] ‘love,’ and that’s all I feel from everyone”.

Towering medical bills

Medical bills Go Fund Me for Nick Bostic
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Sky-high medical bills are a huge problem in the United States, and unfortunately Nick fell victim to this after saving the family’s life.

People were furious that he was being made to pay extortionate medical fees when he had just saved a life.

The emergency services have thanked him

Lafayette Aviators’ National Night Out La Fayette INPD
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“Nicholas Bostic’s heroic actions saved lives. His selflessness during this incident is inspiring, and he has impressed many with his courage, tenacity and steadfast calmness in the face of such perilous danger.

The Lafayette Police Department and the Honorable Mayor Tony Roswarski are eternally grateful for Nicholas’ intervention and would like to publicly recognize him for his actions,” LPD shared in a statement.

Honored by locals

Lafayette Aviators’ National Night Out
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To thank Nick for his heroic act, he was honored on August 2nd 2022 at the Lafayette Aviators’ National Night Out.

The local Lafayette INPD have invited locals to attend, showing their gratitude and support for his incredible bravery.

Impressed Policeforce

INPD La Fayette pizza delivery guy saves family
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Additionnally, the Lafayette INPD was so impressed by Nick Bostic, that they even posted the bodycam footage of that night to Twitter, showing him continuing to be concerned about the children’s welfare, all while being tended to by emergency services.

An inner dialog

Nick Bostic act of heroism bravery
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Nick explained that he had an inner dialog when he entered that house. He knew he was there to get the child out, no matter what that meant for him.

Though he was scared of the fire and smoke below him, he would not give up!

Donations from all over the world

Donations Go Fund Me Nick Bostic house fire
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Nick’s cousin, Richard, was amazed by his bravery, and said he was “the real deal”. Shocked by the enormous medical bills, he started a Go Fund Me campaign.

Sure enough, people from all over the world were donating.

Jaw-dropping donations

Nick Bostic house fire family La Fayette Go Fund Me donations
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Over 560,000$ was donated, when the initial goal was 100,000$. This incredible amount was donated by people who were touched by Nick’s story, and how he didn’t hesitate to save children from what would have been a tragedy.

We hope this story inspires more heroes out there!