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Mom Freaks Out When She Realizes Estranged Daughter Is Marrying Her Son

A Familiar Face

She held her hands tightly as she welcomed her new daughter-in-law to the family. That’s when she noticed the strange birthmark on her hand. Her whole body froze.

She looked into the eyes of the lovely young lady who was ready to marry her son. Her heart hammered in her chest when she noticed the familiarity between them.

She Missed Him

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Martha Kenny, a 64-year-old from Fargo, North Caroline, was ecstatic. Her son was getting married, and she was readying herself for the big day.

It’s been four years since she last saw her son. He moved to New York over four years ago for his career. He had a very demanding career and struggled to find the time to pay her a visit.

A New Woman In His Life

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Martha understood how important his career was to him, and all that mattered to her was his health and safety. She also did not want him to worry about flight tickets, as New York is an expensive city.

After spending a few months in New York, Mark informed her that he had met a new girl and he had asked her to be his girlfriend. Martha couldn’t be happier for him. However, she would soon learn that there was more to their relationship.

She Wanted More


Mark occasionally called Martha, and even though she cherished them, she couldn’t help but wish it had happened more frequently. However, when he called with the news that he had proposed to his girlfriend, Martha could barely contain her excitement.

She spent months trying to find the perfect outfit to wear to the wedding, but soon realized that finding the perfect dress was the least of her worries.



Mark informed his mother that the wedding would be in Fargo, and she felt relieved that she didn’t have to make the journey to New York by herself. The couple flew in the morning of their wedding filled with excitement.

Martha took her time getting ready that morning, she wanted to look her best for the wedding. As soon as she was done putting on her brand new dress, she made her way to the reception to meet her son and his partner. She was oblivious to what was waiting for her.



It was the first time Martha was going to meet her daughter-in-law, Holly. She had talked to her on the phone before but never met her in real life. 

When she arrived at the venue, she could barely contain her tears. She gave her son a big hug, it had been so long since she last saw him, and she missed him very much. She couldn’t have been prouder of the man her son grew into! But then, Holly walked in.

Their Very First Meeting

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Martha greeted Holly with a hug and held her hands. With a voice as sweet as honey, she welcomed Holly into her family. However, as she spoke to Holly, she noticed something that made her stomach drop.

Her entire world was about to be turned upside down.

An Unusual Mark


Martha noticed a very peculiar birthmark on Holly’s hands. It was hard not to notice it because of its odd shape. Her entire body went numb. 

Fear spread all over her face, and a concerned Holly asked if everything was alright.

She Had Seen It Before

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She quickly gathered herself and responded, “Everything is fine, dear.” But it was clear that something was very wrong. Martha had seen an identical birthmark like that years ago.

It shared all of the same qualities as her biological daughter’s before she sadly disappeared. The sudden recollection of her missing daughter hit her like a truck. 

Could It Be?


Martha gave Holly a warm smile. She began investigating Holly’s face, trying to look for answers. Could Holly be the daughter she lost so many years ago?

The more Martha looked at the lovely young lady who was her son’s fiancée, the more she realized how identical they were.



Martha tried to reason with her pounding heart. She tried to rationalize how ridiculous her speculation was, but she couldn’t deny her gut feeling. 

It was too late. She truly began to suspect that her son’s fiancé, Holly, was her long-lost daughter. But she needed proof.


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Before she dared to say anything and potentially ruin the entire wedding, she had to make sure that her suspicions weren’t baseless. 

After all, this was her son’s happiness she was about to devastate. She had no idea how everyone would react. Nonetheless, she had to know. 

Her Parents


Martha asked Holly if she could meet her parents. If anyone knew the truth of this matter, it would be them.

Holly brought her over to them and introduced them. They exchanged friendly greetings before Martha asked Holly if she could speak privately with them and guided her parents aside. 

Tensions Rise


Martha had no idea how to ask this question. She could only imagine what Holly’s parents would think of her once she did.

Still, she had to ask. After all these years of not knowing, she was tired of waiting. She decided she wouldn’t care what they thought of her and took a deep breath. 

Delicate Question

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She had no time to waste. Being as tactful and as delicate as she could, she asked them if their daughter was adopted. 

Immediately, their expressions changed. They had never divulged this secret to anyone. They looked at each other in bewilderment, silently debating whether to tell her or not. Martha begged but she wasn’t ready for their answer. 

Truth’s Out

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Holly’s parents revealed that she was indeed adopted. But they hadn’t told anyone, not even her. They asked Martha why she asked them that. 

But rather than answering, Martha begged them to disclose to her how they adopted her and if they knew her birth parents. The couple looked at each other worryingly before answering. 

An Answer


They told her that they found a toddler on the street over twenty years ago. No one came to claim her, so they brought her home and cared for her. They educated her and raised her as their own daughter. 

Martha couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She burst into tears. 

Broken Communication


All this time, Martha feared her daughter had been kidnapped or worse. She never could have imagined a nice family taking her in and raising her kindly and well. 

Holly’s parents said that they reported her into the local authorities around the area. Martha’s heart broke as she realized they failed to make the connection with her missing girl statement. They had no idea someone was listening.



Curious about what they needed to discuss in private, Holly joined a circle of friends close by. Slowly, she inched closer and closer to her parents and Martha. 

She nodded politely along with the conversation her friends were having as she strained her ears. She could just about pick up what they were saying. 

Barely Audible 


They spoke in harsh whispers. “She doesn’t know she’s adopted,” Holly heard her mother say.  

“I think she’s my biological daughter,” she heard Martha weep. “I lost her over twenty years ago on a trip in Alabama and never found her again.” “Oh my god,” Holly’s mom gasped. 


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Holly’s head snapped towards them. She was wide-eyed, staring at Martha in shock. Her eyes grew glossy with tears. 

Slowly, Holly approached them. “Is this true?” she asked her parents. They stared in shock at her, Martha too. She never meant for her to find out like this. Holly’s parents spoke. 

Opening Up


 “We found you on the street in a beat-down town in Alabama. We tried looking for your parents but no one showed up. We couldn’t leave you”, her mom cried. 

Holly stared at Martha in complete confusion. Martha stared back. They were both crying at the completely bizarre discovery. But the day wasn’t over yet.



Holly was the first to break the tension. After the initial shock, she caved. Her shoulders sagged as she surrendered to the impossible turn of events and opened her arms.

Martha mirrored her actions and the two women tearfully embraced each other. But what about her son? Could the wedding go ahead?

Not Related

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Although each party was in complete shock and overcome with emotion, the reunion actually turned out to be an incredibly joyous one in the end. 

In a very fortunate turn of events, and to the relief of everyone involved, the newly-wed bride and groom were able to continue with their wedding. But how?

Wedding Continued


Remarkably, Mark and Holly did not suffer from a blood or hereditary relationship and could continue with their wedding. 

If they did, their love would have been completely illegal and their wedding would have become null and void. But how were they not related? 

Twist Of Fate


In another lucky twist of fate, Martha’s son, Mark, was actually adopted. After failing to find her daughter, Martha was devastated. She decided to direct her heartbreak into something positive so she applied for adoption and raised another child in need.

But between Mark and Holly, there was one big difference in how they grew up.

One Big Difference


Unlike Holly, Mark grew up knowing he was adopted all along. Martha decided to tell him the truth whenever he asked but she always made him feel like her own biological child. 

She was an incredible woman and a loving mother. But how did he react to this impossible discovery?

A Blessing

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Despite the shock, Mark and Holly were relieved that they weren’t related in any way. The love they had for each other was stronger than any gossip. And they soon came to view the bizarre situation as an incredible blessing for Martha. 

Holly was also eager to learn more about her biological mother and the tragedy that unfolded all those years ago. 

DNA Tests


Holly remembered nothing of it. She was only two at the time and had a bad memory of her childhood years. She had a tendency to forget things that happened yesterday! 

However, to be sure of their relationship, Holly and Martha took DNA tests. The results confirmed their belief. However, one question remained. 

Happy Ending


Holly had no recollection of her biological father and asked Martha what had happened. Martha sadly told her that he had passed more than a decade ago from an illness. 

The news made Holly even more grateful to her adoptive parents and for finding her birth mother before it was too late. For this family, it was a happy ending!