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Best Places To Celebrate New Year’s Eve

Another year is drawing to a close, and while we’re wondering how this year just flew by, if you’re anything like us, you’re thinking about your New Year’s Eve plans. You’ve just got to see the new year in style, right? Whether you want to party the new year with friends, or see the sights with family, we all have our way of spending NYE. And for those special times, you need an idyllic location. So where are the best places to celebrate New Year’s Eve?

The Guide To New York City Nightlife

New York City is the city of bright lights and glamour, with an exciting energy that will never make you want to leave. The hustle and bustle of one of this place will make you want to discover it all day long, and at night time. If you love to experience nightlife and seeing the sights in a new light, then hitting the New York night scene is the way to do it!

Best Winter Retreats

Even in the coldest temperatures, winter retreats just warm up the soul. Nothing quite beats snowy mountaintops, hitting down the ski slopes and cozying up by the fire at the end of the day in a quaint chalet. Though others may want to escape the freeze during the winter months, the bravest of the bunch opt for the winter getaway.

Best Shopping Cities

If you’re a shopping addict, we’re sure that whenever you travel anywhere, you research what the shops are like. On your travels, you may feel disappointed by the variety of shops – we love discovering local brands that we may not be able to find back at home. Plus, it allows you to find unique pieces that your nearest and dearest will become envious of.

Our bucket list destinations for 2022

The world is opening up again and it’s about time you got to explore it again! The past year and a half has been torture for us globetrotters, but one thing’s for sure, it’s made us realize that life is too short. It’s time to live life to the fullest – travel to your heart’s content, and of course tick off that bucket list. Time to find some bucket list destinations to explore!