The Most Remote Places on Earth

Are there still untraveled and unexplored parts of earth? We doubt it but these extremely remote places probably are as close as it gets for travelers seeking to travel to the outer edges of civilization.

Are there still untraveled and unexplored parts of earth? We doubt it but these extremely remote places probably are as close as it gets for travelers seeking to travel to the outer edges of civilization.

Approximately 10% of the planet is more than 48 hours away from your living room, including oases of pristine nature, inhospitable wastelands and settlements cut-off from the modern world.  Here’s a list of the top 30 most remote places on Earth, in no particular order.

Tristan da Cunha, British Overseas Territory

Midway between Southern Africa and South America lies Tristan da Cunha, the most remote archipelago in the world.  Measuring 60 square kilometers, the main island goes by the same name and is the world’s most remote inhabited island.  Nestled in the South Atlantic, 258 people sharing only nine surnames call this island home. 

Falling under the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the United Kingdom, Tristan da Cunha form part of the British Overseas Territories, the currency is Pound sterling, and the capital of the main island goes by the name ‘Edinburgh of the Seven Seas’.  While the locals do speak English, they’ve developed a new dialect derived from their different countries of origin, including English, Scottish, Italian and Dutch.

The terrain is mountainous and has no airstrip.  Travellers should plan their trip well in advance as the island is only accessible by one of the few six-day boat journeys that depart from Cape Town, South Africa every year.  Other than the majestic volcano that dominates the rugged landscape and the rare birds that traverse it, the main island’s proximity to the rest belonging to the archipelago makes visiting the wildlife reserves of Inaccessible island a must.

Fun fact: There is no cell phone network once you lose sight of the Mother City – you’ll have to go old school and use the island’s payphone.

Barrow, Alaska

Barrow is the northernmost city in America and is only accessible by plane since there are no roads connecting it to other parts of Alaska.  Located just 320 miles from the Arctic Circle, it’s also the ninth northernmost city in the world.  After the sun sets in mid-November, residents prepare for 65 consecutive days of darkness before they see the light of day again.  Sub-zero temperatures dominate the frozen landscape for eight months of the year and rise ever-so-slightly during the “warmer” months.

Barrow is the hub of the North Slope Borough’s economy and is home to a small population of 4,200 people.  Its isolation significantly impacts the cost of living with prices driven mainly by shipping costs.  Visitors should prepare to pay three to four times more than what they ordinarily would in neighbouring American states. 

Fun fact: According to scientists, the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, with some calling Barrow “ground zero for climate-change science”.

Oymyakon, Russia

Designated the coldest inhabited place on Earth, Oymyakon is a remote Russian village with only 500 residents.  Darkness looms for 21 hours a day and brings with it an average temperature of -14 degrees Celsius.  A monument in the centre of town commemorates the day in 1924 when temperatures plunged to -35°C.  The cold temperatures and limited sunlight render farming futile, not to mention indoor plumbing. 

The town’s staple foods include reindeer meat, frozen fish, and according to Wired, horse blood ice cubes with macaroni.  Cars are kept running to prevent engines from freezing, and a casual stroll down the street may render eyelashes and saliva frozen.  Even vodka freezes if left outside for too long.

Getting to this remote winter wilderness can take up to several days.  Oymyakon is a two-day drive from the nearest airport, Yakutsk, which makes it even harder to visit this winter wasteland.  The main road leading to Oymyakon is known as the “The Road of Bones”, named after the thousands of prisoners who died building it, their bodies buried just beneath.

Fun fact: The eastern Siberian village is closer to the Arctic Circle than it is to the nearest city.

Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to the iconic 887 monolithic statues created by the early Rapa Nui people, as well as the world’s most remote airport.  Despite sitting some 2,200 miles off the Chilean coast, it’s still considered as belonging to the South American country. 

The remote island is home to less than 6,000 residents and earns the title of being the closest landmass to the oceanic pole of inaccessibility, a location in the ocean that is the furthest away from land.  Only one flight operates from Tahiti every week, while eight weekly flights operate out of Santiago.  Both are five-hour flights which, for most visiting Easter Island, are added to hours of other flights to get remotely near to Easter Island.

Fun fact: The purpose, positioning and moving of the giant heads still baffle scientists today. The monolithic statues not only consist of heads; their torsos are concealed beneath the earth.  

Apolima, Samoa

Apolima is the smallest of four islands that make up Samoa.  Despite its unimposing size, the small volcanic island bursts with spectacular jungle greenery and is surrounded by pristine blue waters.  Home to an estimated population of 75, travellers wishing to stay on the island require invitations to stay with local families and will have to negotiate a boat trip with locals from the nearby island of Manono (they weren’t kidding when they said visiting Apolima wasn’t an easy undertaking).

Apolima is a collapsed volcanic cone boasting cliffs and a single, narrow gap that grants boat access to the island in good weather only.  The island’s single settlement, Apolima Tai, is comprised of a handful of families, a church, and a few scattered buildings.

Galapagos Islands, Republic of Ecuador

The famous site that inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution when he visited in 1835, the Galapagos Islands remain mostly untouched.  Nestled 620 miles off the coast of Ecuador, the volcanic archipelago’s isolated terrain shelters a diversity of plant and animal species, many of which are endemic to the remote island.

The islands have a population of just over 25,000 inhabitants with Spanish as their principal language.  Forming part of the Galápagos National Park, the Galápagos Islands are protected and governed by strict rules aimed at preserving the delicate ecosystem.

Other than by yacht or cruise, many visitors travel by air from Ecuador.  Travelling to the Galapagos Islands is not without its humps and bumps along the way, and for a good reason.  A return ticket is required by non-residents to enter the protected area, and before boarding the flight, bags are inspected by quarantine staff before a mandatory tourist transit card is issued.  Upon arrival in Galapagos, an entrance fee is also payable. 

Supai, Arizona

Supai is situated within Havasu Canyon and is home to only 200 settlers.  Neighbouring the Grand Canyon, the village is the capital of the Havasupai Indian Reservation and is administered by said tribe.  The town holds the honour of being one of the quietest places on Earth and is accessible only by helicopter, horseback or on foot, a welcoming contrast to the tour-bus-laden Grand Canyon next-door.

Havasupai means “People of the Green Blue Waters”, alluding to the village’s famous towering waterfalls in an Eden-like setting.  The village is recognised as the most remote community in America’s lower states, so it should come as no surprise that the US Postal Service delivers their mail there via mule. 

Changtang, Tibet

Changtang is an enormous, high-altitude plateau located in the west of the Tibetan Plateau and is famous for being known as “The Roof of the World”.  Despite the elevation drawing icy weather conditions, wildlife is plentiful and includes majestic snow leopards, wild dog and rare medicinal plants. 

Most of Changtang falls under the Changtang Nature Reserve and is protected, leaving a vast wilderness of mostly uninhabited land and untouched snow-clad mountains.  It’s the third-largest land-based nature reserve in the world, almost three times the size of England.

Thousands of nomads known as Changpa inhabit Changpa’s altitudes ranging between 4,000 and 9,000 feet.  Changtang can be reached by flying into the Leh airport or driving from Manali and Srinagar.  The journey to Changtang is rarely void of enchanting views of the surrounding landscape’s beauty. 

Devon Island, Canada

Devon Island is the world’s largest uninhabited island, and the closest thing to Mars earthlings will ever know on planet Earth.  It’s cold and dry atmosphere coupled with a rocky terrain led NASA to erect a research station on its soil to prepare astronauts and design technologies for future missions to the famous Red Planet.  The island is isolated, and the area poorly mapped, making it the ideal location for mistakes and potential crises to go unnoticed by the rest of the world.

Located in Baffin Bay between two of the world’s largest islands, the island’s inhospitable climate and lack of resources have rendered it inhabitable.  While evidence suggests a Paleo-Eskimo settlement once thrived on the island, recorded history hums a different tune.  In the late 1930s, Inuit hunters from a neighbouring island gave it a go, but the cold got the best of even them.  The Mounties inhabited the island in the 1940s until their harbour got iced in. 

Fun fact: Today, the vast desert island holds the honour of never being home to a single person that is alive today.

Danakil Depression, Ethiopia

Ethiopia’s Danakil Depression is one of earth’s hottest, driest and lowest places, with parts of it lying 100 metres below sea level.  Volcanoes bubbling streams of lava, hydrothermal fields, and salt pans in sweltering temperatures peaking at 50°C amalgamate to form a hostile alien-like landscape.

Against all odds, the Afar people call the Danakil depression their home.  After generations of adapting to the harsh climate, their bodies have evolved to require far less food and water than most humans.  Their primary source of income is the salt collected from the salt pans.  It takes the Afar people about a week to travel to the market on camel and donkey, often equipped with just a small loaf of bread and bottle of water.

Despite the Danakil Depression being one of the most inhabitable regions of the world, its unique composition continues to lure many adventurers every year.  After landing in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, a long drive awaits until the start of the depression is reached in the town of Mekele. 

Fun fact: The extreme temperatures make sturdy four wheel-drives a must, and guards are known to accompany tourists on their journeys.

Iqaluit, Canada

Nestled on rolling hills and surrounded by rocky outcrops, Iqaluit is the territorial capital of Nunavut and the region’s fastest-growing community.  While dog sledging, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling are very popular, the city’s most famous attraction is arguably the “Road to Nowhere” which tourists can wander until they reach “the middle of nowhere”. 

‘Iqaluit’ means ‘place of many fish’ in Inuktitut.  While arctic hares and foxes are often spotted in this remote wilderness, polar bears also make occasional appearances. 

Daylight reigns for nearly 24 hours between June and July, while December brings only four.  Along with magnificent displays of the Northern Lights between October and April, the winter months see temperatures plummet to between -10 and -32 degrees Celsius.

Iqaluit is located on Frobisher Bay, which remains frozen for most of the year. The town is thus often ice-locked and limits access by boat to only a few months a year.  However, the frozen bay then transforms into a convenient highway for snowmobiles and makes “fly-in-only” communities temporarily accessible on land.  Daily flights to Iqaluit operate from Ottawa, which is 1,300 miles away.

Villa Las Estrellas, Antarctica

Spanish for “Star Town,” Villa Las Estrellas is a Chilean settlement in Antarctica and the bigger of only two residential towns on the entire continent.   Located on a military base, its temporary population peaks to just 150.  Most of the population consist of Chilean air force officers and their families who settle on the island for two years before returning to their homeland.

Like most other small towns, Villa Las Estrellas has a gym, church, public school, and souvenir shop.  Unlike most small towns, however, it has only fourteen homes and fifteen children attending the primary school, equipped with only two teachers.  The hospital is staffed with a single doctor, one nurse, and two beds.

Villa Las Estrellas has much milder winter temperatures than that of well-populated areas such as Canada and Siberia, even though temperatures narrowly surpass zero in summer.  Those who fancy braving the polar marine climate and three months of darkness can make the two-day boat trip to the Antarctic Circle from Ushuaia, Argentina, and stay in the island’s only hostel. 

Pitcairn Island, British Overseas Territory

Pitcairn is an island belonging to the British Overseas Territory and is located 3,300 miles from New Zealand.  Pitcairn remains unchartered territory for planes and helicopters and is only accessible by sea.  The 2018 census confirmed that there were only 50 inhabitants on the island. 

Along with three other small islands, Pitcairn forms the southeasternmost extension of the Tuamotu Archipelago of French Polynesia and boasts pristine waters, untouched subtropical island environments and an array of endemic species.  It was designated a protected area in September 2016 and currently ranks as the tenth-largest Marine Protected Area at a whopping 520,000 square miles. 

The culture on the island is characterised by a blend of British, Polynesian and wider Pacific origins.  Since the island’s economy relies heavily on tourism, the few locals actively engage in accommodating tourists.  Small groups arriving on the island by charter are often hosted by locals, a practice known as “home stays”.  Best brush up on your Pitkern, then! 

Fun fact: Pitkern is a creole language derived from 18th-century English infused with Tahitian and is spoken as a first language on the island.

Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

Tórshavn is the capital city of the Faroe Islands.  While it may be close to continental Europe, its location on a remote group of islands between Iceland and the highlands of Scotland makes it feel worlds away.

With a population of only 17,000, it’s one of Europe’s smallest capital cities.  The city was named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder and lightning.  Its quaint charm is accentuated by its historic centre that features Tinganes (parliament point).  The Viking ages saw parliament meeting there for the first time after Norwegian colonists designated the location as such in the year 825.

Travellers can catch direct flights from popular destinations such as Iceland and Norway to enjoy the small-town hospitality offered in this remote city.

Perth, Australia

Perth, the capital of Western Australia, is Australia’s 4th biggest city with a population of approximately 2 million.  How did Perth make it on to our list then, you may ask? 

Firstly, Australia is enormous.  Secondly, Perth sits on Australia’s barren West Coast, home to very few.  Take Adelaide, for example.  Adelaide is the closest city to Perth with a population of at least 100,000 and requires a 1,300-mile voyage through the inhospitable outback.  Sydney necessitates a 2,045-mile drive. 

Perth is so isolated from the rest of Australia that it’s often cheaper for Australians living in Perth to visit Indonesia than it is for them to visit Australia’s other cities.

Lugenda Wilderness Camp, Mozambique

Considered one of the world’s most remote safari destinations, the Lugenda Wilderness Camp remains mostly undiscovered and one of Africa’s best-kept secrets.  The bush lodge is nestled deep in the Niassa National Reserve, and in the heart of Northern Mozambique’s spectacular landscapes.

Unknown by many, the camp retains its sense of wildness and remoteness, attracting those who yearn for tranquillity and raw nature.  The Reserve spans 25,000 square miles, with an untouched landscape featuring soaring granite hills, vast waterways and dense forests.  Overlooking the Lugenda River, the camp offers an exclusive safari experience by limiting accommodation to only eight luxury tents.

Niassa is one of the last safe havens for African wild dog and is also home to predators such as lion, leopard and spotted hyena.  Where there are predators, there is game – and a lot of it.  While game includes kudu, wildebeest, and hippo, travellers cannot be guaranteed big game sightings due to the vastness of the area.

Motuo County, China

Isolated from the rest of the world by a ring of snow-capped mountains in Eastern Tibet, Motuo is China’s only county with no highway linking it to the outside world.  It is also the last county to see the Brahmaputra River before it flows into India. 

Motuo is perched on the southern slope of the Himalayas and covers an area of 19,000 square miles.  It’s inhabited mainly by the Menba and Luoba ethnic groups with a population of about 10,000.

According to the Tibetan Buddhist scripture, Motuo, or “hidden lotus” is Tibet’s holiest region.  Inaccessible by modern vehicles, the only way to get to Motuo is to embark on a four-day hike from Pai Village.

Île Amsterdam, French Overseas Territory

Supporting a population of just 25, and comprised entirely of researchers, the nearest populated land mass to Amsterdam Island is Perth, 2,094 miles away. 

The island is an overseas territory of France and is situated more than 2,500 miles away from mainland Africa.  The island derived its name from the ship Nieuw Amsterdam, which was named after the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam (honouring the Dutch capital of Amsterdam).  Today, that settlement is known as New York City.

Boasting an active volcano and fertile land, crops were grown and cattle introduced.  By 2008 the cattle population had increased to over 2,000, severely damaging the local ecosystem.  Sadly, the cows were all slaughtered by 2010 after alternative strategies failed.

Longyearbyen, Norway

Travellers can catch a three-hour flight from Oslo to perhaps the only town in the world where locals can say that the North Pole is around the corner from the Pub.  Longyearbyen is a small Norwegian metropolis inhabited by 2,100 residents from fifty-odd countries. The Arctic town is located between mainland Norway and the North Pole, on the island of Spitsbergen of the Svalbard archipelago, and is famous for its “midnight-sun”, 24 hours of daylight in summer, as well as its displays of the Northern Lights.

While the residents may think they live mundane lives, complete with visits to the local grocery and university, it’s probably worth mentioning that learning to use firearms isn’t compulsory in most tertiary institutions and seeing the occasional whale from a bedroom window probably isn’t something most will experience in a lifetime. 

Longyearbyen sees temperatures drop to such an extent that it’s illegal for bodies to be buried there.  Homes are built on stilts so that they don’t slide away when the topsoil melts in the summer, and instead of names, streets are numbered.

Kerguelen Islands, French Southern and Antarctic Lands

The Kerguelen islands are 2000 miles off the southernmost tip of Africa and accessible only by a four-day voyage at sea.  Coated with glaciers and inhabited mainly by researchers, the Kerguelen Islands are a group of islands in the Antarctic that receive rain and snow 300 days of the year.  Over the years, the islands have collectively come to be known as the “Desolation Islands” thanks to their remote location and unforgiving terrain.

The 300 Kerguelen Islands are scattered over 2,400 square miles and form part of the French Overseas Territory, with French being the official language.  The islands constitute some of the highest points of a giant underwater plateau with its waters playing host to spectacular displays of phytoplankton under the right conditions.

Grande Terre (French for “large land”) is the largest island of the group.  While penguin and seal populations thrive there, its isolation and harsh weather bring only a handful of people to its shores, consisting mainly of researchers based in the Port-aux- Français settlement. 

Solitaire, Namibia

Solitaire is a small settlement in a sparsely populated area in central Namibia near the Namib-Naukluft National Park.  When we say ‘small’ – we mean it.  Solitaire merely consists of a fuel station, a shop, a chapel and a bakery.  A lodge and campsite lie just on the outskirts.

While the origin of the name “Solitaire” cannot be confirmed, it’s most probably derived from the word ‘solitude’.  Due to its remote location and the array of attractions around it, most use Solitaire as a stop-over for the evening or to refuel.

Lying just outside Sossusvlei, the heart of the Namibian desert, roads in and around Solitaire are mainly gravel and in terrible condition.  No car is immune to the unforgiving landscape, which is evident when driving past endless car wrecks and burst tyres.  Little to no mobile reception or car repair services for miles makes breaking down in this scorching desert feel like you’ve joined Bear Grylls in an episode of Ultimate Survival.

Fun fact: The Tropic of Capricorn lies 40km from Solitaire and is demarcated on both sides of the road.  

Siwa Oasis, Egypt

Five hours from Cairo and 30 miles from the Libyan border, lies an enchanting oasis flooded with olive trees, palms and glistening springs.  Siwa Oasis’ remoteness makes it an uncommon stop-over for outsiders, which is how the community has managed to preserve its ancient heritage and natural charm throughout the years.

Far removed from Egypt’s modern influences, the unique society stands distinctly apart from modern-day Egypt and is arguably the epitome of slow-paced oasis life.  The local Berber language, Siwi, and local traditions continue to dominate in this part of the remote Western desert. 

A rich human experience awaits those who wish to explore this remote destination, with an opportunity to swim in Cleopatra’s Bath mineral spring, and to stay in a famous desert eco-lodge built from mud and salt.

Yakutsk, Russia

Yakutsk is the capital of the Yakutia region in Siberia.  Spanning over 1 million square miles with a population under a million, the area is immensely remote.  There are enough rivers and lakes in Yakutia for each resident to lay claim to one of each.

Getting to Yakutsk is an arduous task.  While a 6-hour flight from Moscow can be rather costly, travellers can also use the single road that leads to the capital when the river freezes over in winter.  In summer, travellers can opt for the 1,000-mile river trip.

Initially used as a prison for political dissidents, the inhospitable region sees winter temperatures plummeting to anything between -30 and -50 degrees Celsius.

Coober Pedy, Australia

Famously known as the “Opal Capital of the World”, Coober Pedy is an underground town in the heart of the outback desert, a two-hour flight from Adelaide, and probably one of Australia’s most bizarre and remote places.  Most of the town was built underground to escape the scorching desert heat.

Travellers can wander the underground settlement which features houses, cafes, hotels, and a selection of stores selling gemstones.  The Arckaringa Hills, known to most as the painted desert, is near-by and accessible via four-wheel drive.  The region has eroded over 80 million years to form a landscape of colours that change throughout the day.

The barren wilderness has been the backdrop for several iconic movies such as Mad Max.  It covers 3,500 miles, extending over three states, and features the Dingo Fence, the world’s longest fence, built to protect livestock from dingoes, Australian wild dogs.

Bantam, Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Australia’s last unspoilt paradise presents itself as a tiny circle of coral islands in the middle of the Indian Ocean, the Cocos Keeling Islands.  Located 1,800 miles from Perth, only two of the 27 islands are inhabited, with Bantam Village being the largest settlement. 

It is located on Home Island and has a population of about 500, mainly Cocos Malays.  Their isolation has helped preserve their traditional language and religion that are still practised today.  Cocos Islands is an Australian territory, complete with Australian officials enforcing Western Australian law. 

One paved airport exists on the neighbouring West Island, with a single 2,441-metre runway.  Virgin Australia conducts regular flights from Perth via Christmas Island.  While there are no major seaports on the island, an interisland ferry connects West, Home and Direction Islands.  A tourist bus is also at travellers’ disposal on Home island, making it easier to navigate the white sands, coconut palms and pristine waters of the remote destination.

Socotra Island, Yemen

Home to the mysterious Dragon’s Blood Tree and over 800 rare species of plants, the alien landscape of Socotra Island is 400 miles off the coast of Yemen’s capital and is home to 40,000 inhabitants. 

The island is found on Yemen’s Gulf of Aden and forms part of an Indian Ocean archipelago.  The UNESCO World Heritage Site, which saw its first road built only in 2011, is claimed by some to be the setting of the original Garden of Eden.  Its isolation, biological diversity including many exotic plants that can’t be found anywhere else, and its proximity to Yemen’s Gulf of Aden are interpreted as being consistent with ancient Sumerian tales of a paradise called Dilmun.

Legend also has it that the otherworldly dragon’s blood tree emerged from the spot where two brothers fought to their deaths.  The tree, unique to the remote island’s tropical desert climate, is today a treasured symbol of the Arabian Sea island and its parent country of Yemen.  While caves and shipwrecks are plentiful, roads in Socotra are not.  However, the island can still be accessed by flights from Yemen.

La Rinconada, Peru

Home to settlers that have adapted to survive some of the most brutal conditions known to man, La Rinconada is perched 16,000 feet atop Mount Ananea in the Peruvian Andes and is also known as the highest human habitation in the world.  La Rinconada plays host to an unregulated gold mine, which perhaps explains the continued settlement of 50,000 people willing to endure sub-zero temperatures. 

Instead of receiving salaries, local miners lay claim to the gold they find.  Attempts to build a sewerage system in the past failed dismally, and the residents have also been forced to adapt to living with no running water and being responsible for disposal of their waste.  The unsanitary living conditions and unregulated mining has led to widespread cases of mercury poisoning among the town’s residents. 

Unsurprisingly, the remote settlement rarely sees the likes of explorers.  In addition to the nearest city being a six-hour drive on a dangerous mountainside road away, the town has no hotels or hospitals and the air is dangerously thin which would make it difficult for tourists to breathe.

Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland

A helicopter ride from the nearest airport is required to reach this “edge of the world” settlement.  In addition to Ittoqqortoormiit being the most isolated settlement of Greenland, it holds the title of being the western hemisphere’s most remote inhabited community.

The settlement of 450 people features a single guesthouse with six small bedrooms, a testament to the negligible number of visitors that reach its shores each year.  Until recently, the lodging had predominantly been hogged by researchers.  The end of 2018, however, saw it being added to a popular booking platform, awarding optimistic travellers a better shot at visiting the remote settlement.

The quaint town is made up of colourful wooden buildings and comes alive with the sounds of locals enjoying cross-country skiing, dog sledging and beautiful displays of the Northern Lights. It’s also a cruise destination for three months of the year once the ice has melted and ships can dock.

Fun fact: To celebrate the “launch” of the guesthouse, is offering free accommodation for the month of March 2019, a time that sees plenty of polar bear activity. 

Palmerston, Cook Islands

Although the group of islands are collectively known as the Cook Islands, Palmerston is the only one which Captain Cook ever set foot on after he discovered it in 1774.

Due to the island’s remote location, it was only in 1969 that it was adequately demarcated on maps for the first time.  Before that, navigation heavily relied on Cook’s original charts which placed it only 10 miles away from its current official location (not too shabby, Captain Cook).

Palmerston features only two telephones and four-hour-a-day internet access, making it very much cut-off from the rest of the world.  Ships and yachts are few and far between, making incoming supplies limited. 

Palmerston is 900 miles (approximately a nine-day sailing) from Tahiti, and two days’ sailing from the Cook Islands’ capital, Rarotonga.  Entry to Palmerston is hindered even more by being subject to one of five ports of entry, one of them being Rarotonga.  Whether this rule is strictly enforced remains to be seen.

Cape York Peninsula, Australia

The remote and rugged Cape York forms the Northernmost tip of Australia and is the country’s largest unspoiled wilderness.  Its untamed landscape features the Great Dividing Range, the world’s third longest mountain range, boasting tropical rainforests and palm-fringed beaches on the one side, and sweeping savannah woodlands and eucalyptus forests on the other. 

A long 28-hour drive from Cairns and marketed as Queensland’s final frontier, cell phone signal is limited in the region, and WiFi is expensive.  It’ll probably be best to leave your Instagram stories for another day. 

On that note, it’s probably best to leave all the unnecessary millennial baggage behind.  The journey to the tip is unpredictable and bound to get messy, so why not rather channel your inner Steven Irwin and rock the Khaki camping attire and bare necessities?  It might also make running away from crocodiles a little easier.  On a serious note, however: visitors are cautioned about the teaming crocodile life.  Both fresh and saltwater crocodiles live and hunt in the Cape’s waters.

Fun fact: Five indigenous communities own the land, and some of the world’s most extensive aboriginal rock painting galleries are available for public viewing nearby.