
Best Places To Celebrate New Year’s Eve

Another year is drawing to a close, and while we’re wondering how this year just flew by, if you’re anything like us, you’re thinking about your New Year’s Eve plans. You’ve just got to see the new year in style, right? Whether you want to party the new year with friends, or see the sights with family, we all have our way of spending NYE. And for those special times, you need an idyllic location. So where are the best places to celebrate New Year’s Eve?

World’s Best Locations to Film a Movie

We love choosing our vacation destinations according to the scenery. Nothing quite beats watching the sun set over your favorite spot, and enjoying the little things in life. But if some of the scenery looks familiar, then you may have seen it in your favorite movie! When you have the opportunity to visit a place where your favorite movie took place, you should jump at the chance! The iconic spots make you realize why filmmakers take so long to find these beautiful locations. Even the best sci-fi films have had outdoor scenes in foreign countries – even Star Wars!

Top Tips For Future Backpackers

Backpacking is a unique way to discover your dream destination. Hiking the mountains, exploring the shores, and getting acquainted with local customs and traditions seems like a dream come true. However, you need to be realistic about your expectations. You also need to make sure you’re fully prepared. Because unlike your regular vacation, you’ll be missing out on those little luxuries, and you’ll need to be fully aware of what you’re getting yourself in to.

Our Best City Escapes

Cities are amazing places to visit because they are rich with history, have unique architecture and still have the hustle and bustle that you enjoy. That buzz when you arrive in a new city and discover it through a fresh pair of eyes is exciting, and really transforms your experience.