Our 2021 Best Countries To Live In

The best countries to live in can be determined by their happiness levels. This takes into account life expectancy and freedom to make your own life choices for example. For others, the best countries to live in are the ones where there is an overall financial stability. Different people will take different factors into consideration. Read on more to find out which are the best countries to live in.


Finland is one of the best countries to live in the world – it has been named the freest and safest country in the world. Their crime rates are low, and their police forces have been named the second best in the world. This is the perfect place to raise a family. Even in the capital of Helsinki, there are no safety concerns.

Another title the country has won is the happiest country in the world, and has done so for the last 4 years. This proves that though the winters are freezing and brutal, especially if you have moved from even a milder climate, this doesn’t stop you from falling in love with the country and its rich history.

The educational system here is second-to-none. Finland has one of the best rankings in the world for its education. The teachers here are highly trained and well paid to ensure they still stay passionate and motivated. They are also known as the most literate country in the world, and it is hardly surprising with their many libraries, which are part of the culture here.


Denmark was named the world’s best country to live in back in 2019, notably thanks to its healthcare costs and affordable housing. The quality of life here is outstanding! And its capital, Copenhagen, is clean, green and affordable. Strikingly different from other capital cities in the world!

The country has over 7000km of coastline, so you’re never far from the beach and you can visit the entire country in 5 hours. Its scenic views will take your breath away, and their approach to green living makes it stand out from the rest.

Denmark is a very safe country to live in – even in Copenhagen. The air is super clean in this part of Europe, which will impact your everyday life. A lot of international companies are based here, so the job opportunities are endless, even for expats! We also recommend you stop by Aarhus if you love art and culture. The city was named the Capital of Culture back in 2017.


Norway ranks the highest in education, standard of living and life expectancy – the average life expectancy is 82 years old! The salaries are some of the highest in the world. They are known for their happiness levels and great personal life/work life balance. Norway is also known for being one of the more politically stable countries, and is known to have the best democracy in the world. Plus, they have a strong commitment to sustainable living.

The scenery in Norway is simply stunning. The country has around 63,000 miles of coastline, with beautiful fjords that will capture your heart. The wildlife is pretty diverse here, as you can spot whales on the coastline and admire the local sea life with a boat tour.


Belgium is one of the best countries to live in for its life expectancy (81 years old), as well as its unique architecture and picturesque cities.

If you’re moving here for work, you’ll be pleased to know that it is one of the leading countries for work-life balance. Workplaces are very encouraging of their staff working from home, and the work benefits here are far greater than most countries. You can get 20 days paid vacation. Plus, you can finish at a reasonable hour to make the most of your personal life.

In Belgium, the social security system is one of the best. You can visit any doctor you wish and get reimbursed by around 70%. You don’t have to worry about going bankrupt when you get sick! Its education system is of high quality and international students flock to Belgium. The first language in universities is English, so no worries if you’re struggling with the languages!


Ireland is one of the best countries to live in, and not just for the Guinness! Their human development score has increased by 23.50% since 1990, which is a very fast rate compared to other countries. The Irish economy has also doubled since the 90’s, which also allows them to be in our shortlist. It has come fifth in terms of wealth with the national income per capita being at €55,774. The biggest driver however is education, the expected years of schooling is 19 years on average. Ireland is also known for its “collective contribution” to humanity and the planet.

As well as all of these factors, you can of course enjoy the great outdoors in Ireland. Its natural beauty will blow you away. If you’re looking to meet new people, then explore the exciting Irish nightlife and great music scene – you’ll be dancing the night away with your new-found friends! If you’re into your water sports, then this is the place in Europe to surf!


If you’re moving to Germany – lucky you! It is one of the best countries to live in the world, and it is the second most popular destination after the United States. The welfare system is comprehensive, and if you do not have a job, you are entitled to employment benefits – no matter what the circumstances are. Despite this, the unemployment rate is only at around 5,9%. It is also an attractive country for youngsters, you can study a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree for free. The crime rates are really low here, so if you are coming as a family, you can rest easy!

The country is pristine, and the inhabitants really look after the environment. If you have a furry friend, then you’ll love Germany! Germans are dog lovers and you can often take them inside restaurants and shopping malls. Whether you are seeking quiet countryside life or life in the fast-lane in a dynamic city, Germany has the best of both worlds.


Australia has been named one of the best countries in the world to live in. Though you may think it is for its exceptional climate, Australia is far more than that. It is recognized for its strong educational system. They encourage people to go to school and become educated, and they push youngsters to take pride in their grades. The average number of years of schooling is around 20 years, so significantly high. Their visa program for Australia’s skilled migration program is a lot quicker than most countries. In fact, 1 out of every 3 inhabitants was not born in Australia, showcasing the opportunities the country provides for foreign workers.

The cities here are known for their strong cultural identity, notably Melbourne, which is also known as the hipster capital of Australia. It is a cosmopolitan city with plenty of people from different backgrounds for you to get to know. In terms of employment, the rates are very low, and in some cities, it is at 0% thanks to the endless temporary job opportunities.


Singapore is the perfect way to get the best of Asia all while feeling at ease as an expat. It is a safe place with an extremely low crime rate, making it the perfect place to move as a family. It has been ranked first in Asia for personal safety, and eighth in the world.

Since 2017, rent has been getting cheaper here, so you can find an affordable place to live in a strategic place near your workplace or near friends or family. The standard of living is high here despite the low rents. The competition is fierce for jobs here as Singaporeans are highly educated, so if you have strong work experience, then this is the place to be.

You will also love Singapore for its diversity – it is a match made in heaven between three cultures. The multicultural state’s inhabitants manage to live together harmoniously despite these cultural differences. Plus, the food is simply divine – most Singaporeans don’t like to cook so they eat out a lot! You will find plenty of new cuisines to try out.

Emma Philo: Emma is a freelance content creator and e-commerce specialist based in Paris and has been writing for over 5 years'. Though she is specialized in fashion, she has written on a variety of topics such as travel, technology and digital platforms.